From Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films comes “Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge,” the fifth film in the now iconic “Pirates of the Caribbean” film franchise, which returns Johnny Depp to his Academy Award®-nominated role as the outrageous, swashbuckling antihero Captain Jack Sparrow. Depp is joined in this new adventure with Oscar® winners […]

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On Saturday 13th May, 104.8 Channel 4 radio host Stu Tolanbroadcasted LIVE from thebottom of The Ambassador Lagoon at Atlantis, The Palm for a total of 5 hours, 25 minutes and 25 seconds, smashing the Guinness World Records title for the Longest underwater live radio broadcast (unsupported)in the world. Submerged in the 11 million litre […]

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No matter how big or small, an act of kindness stays with us for a lifetime. Let us come together once again and make a difference this Ramadan. du will be continuing the Mawaed Al Rahman initiative to pack and distribute boxes of essential food ingredients to thousands of underprivileged families across the UAE.  du will […]

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