The Business Registration and Licencing (BRL) sector of Dubai Economy and Commercial Bank of Dubai (CBD) have joined hands to provide exclusive banking services for DED Trader licence holders. The initiative enables startups in Dubai to leverage online and social media for business growth. With the DED Trader smart banking solutions, DED Trader licence holders […]

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Based on the directives of Dubai’s Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management, Dubai Sports Council has announced the reopening of swimming pools and water sports activities in the Emirate of Dubai. Dubai Sports Council has issued a detailed list of conditions, developed in cooperation with relevant authorities, that need to be met by aquatic […]

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As part of its keenness to facilitate the completion of real estate registration transactions – buying, selling, and other transactions – with record speed, and enabling the appropriate investment climate for the real estate sector, Dubai Land Department (DLD) provided a team to work directly from the real estate registration trustee centres. The team includes […]

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The Commercial Compliance & Consumer Protection (CCCP) sector in Dubai Economy received 1,404 consumer complaints on the e-commerce sector during May, which was 228% higher than the complaints received in the same period last year (428 complaints). Of the total complaints, 94% were submitted through the smart channels of Dubai Economy, with 64% via the […]

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