The Women’s Committee of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has organised a series of virtual workshops to increase the awareness of female employees on mental anxiety and stress relief especially amid the psychological stress of COVID-19. The female employees learned about deep breathing and simple exercises to help them relax and enjoy a healthy […]

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Dubai Sports Council has announced clubs, academies, training and fitness centres, and other sports facilities as well as sports events in the Emirate of Dubai will not be required to use thermal scanners or conduct temperature checks from January 1, 2021. The decision of Dubai Sports Council to update their COVID-19 precautionary measures and protocols […]

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The Business Excellence Department in Dubai Economy celebrated the Customer Service Week recently with varied activities aimed to highlight the importance of innovations in achieving customer satisfaction and encourage retailers to share best practices in enhancing customer loyalty. The activities held as part of the Week, most of which were held online in view of […]

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