Dubai Islamic Bank has signed a cooperation agreement with the Knowledge Fund Establishment to support the ‘Dubai Schools’ project with a pledge amounting to AED11 million. The move seeks to help realise the goals of the Dubai Social Agenda 33 and Dubai Islamic Bank’s Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, which is focused on supporting various national […]

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His Excellency Khalid Ali Al Bustani, Director General of the Federal Tax Authority (FTA), asserted that the Authority is continuously launching more initiatives to speed up tax procedures, as part of the UAE’s Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme, which aims to reduce the duration of government services by 50%. H.E. Al Bustani noted that the FTA […]

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Jumbo Group, the most trusted consumer electronics brand in the UAE, proudly announces a donation of AED 1 million to Dubai Cares, an organization dedicated to improving children’s access to quality education in developing countries. The donation is part of Jumbo Group’s CSR initiatives, launched by the company’s chairperson Vidya Chhabria in 2007, when she […]

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In a significant move towards advancing financial education and expertise in technical analysis, the DIFC Academy, the education centre of Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), the leading global financial hub in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region, and the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) Association have announced a landmark partnership. The collaboration was […]

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