Central Bank of the UAE announced that it will be issuing a commemorative silver coin and a commemorative one Dirham coin, on the occasion of hosting the Asian Cup – UAE 2019, with effect from Wednesday 09/01/2019.

First: The Commemorative Silver Coin:-
Following are the general specifications of the commemorative silver coin:-

1. Diameter  : 40 mm.

2. Weight     : 40 gms.

3. Alloy        : 92.5% Silver.

7.5% Copper.


4. Issue Size  : 1,000 Coin.

The obverse face of the Coin depicts the logo of this occasion.
The back depicts the denominational value “٥٠ درهماً” inscribed by the State, United Arab Emirates, written in Arabic and English.
Second: The Commemorative Dirham:-
Following are the general specifications of the commemorative Dirham:-


24.0  mm


1. Diameter:
6.10 gms.


2. Weight  :
5   Microns/Nickel

20 Microns/Copper

8   Microns /Nickel

3. Alloy      :

Plating Deposit on Steel Core

(Ni -Cu-Ni)


The face of the Dirham unchanged, as the current one Dirham in circulation.

The back depicts the logo of this occasion.
It is noteworthy the whole quantity of the commemorative silver coins has been handed over to the Local Organising Committee, AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019.
The commemorative one Dirham coin will be put in circulation through branches of the Central Bank, as per usual practice.