Dubai Sports Council (DSC) has announced the launch of “Dubai Sports Community Club’s Tournament”, to take place at the pitches of Dubai Sports World (Zabeel Halls No. 4,5, 6) in Dubai World Trade Center from 4th to 11th Sept. 2020.

The Tournament will be held with participation of 14 social clubs and communities in Dubai; these are: India Club, Pakistani Club, Jordanian Social Club, Sudanese Social Club, Egyptian Social Club, Filipino Social Club, the Lebanese Community, the Syrian Community, the Nepalese Community, the Sri Lankan Community, the American Community, the Indonesian Community, the Yemeni Community and the Chinese Community.

The Tournament’s Participants, who are classified into male teams & female teams, will contest tough competitions in four sports games; these are: badminton, basketball, football & cricket.

“Dubai Sports Community Club’s Tournament”targets to activate partnership between DSC & community clubs in Dubai and to boost social relations among the associates of these clubs.

Mr. Khalid Al-Awar, Director of Sports Events Dept. in DSC, stated: “DSC is keen to enhance diversity in the organizing of sports events in order to provide unique opportunity for sports fans of multi-nationalities, who reside in Dubai, to participate & follow up various sports competitions. The Tournament attains DSC’s vision (Creating Distinctive & Happy Sports Community). DSC runs its works as per well-planned strategy that conforms to Dubai Government Plan. The Council supports the organizing of sports events, aiming to popularize the culture of the exercise of sport & physical activity among all classes of society and to make sport as lifestyle”.

Mr. Al-Awaradded: “This Tournament enhances collaboration with social clubs in Dubai. DSC believes in the importance of the integration of roles among governmental & non-governmental sectors to serve the sports community. We also endeavor to provide full opportunities for the associates of all communities in Dubai to exercise favorite sports and to help them join entertaining activities and boost relations with their counterparts in other communities”.

Mr. Maher Julfar, the Vice CEO of Venue Services Management in Dubai World Trade Center, remarked: “We have been joining a fruitful longstanding partnership with DSC through the last decade. We also organize Dubai Sports World every year targeting to pave the way for our youth to boost sports talents & attain excellence. Dubai Sports World in fact plays a vital role in encouraging individuals to participate in social & sports activities and to join sports trainings safely”.

He added: “We are looking forward to host Dubai Sports Community Club’s Tournament at the pitches of Dubai Sports World based onour common vision to encourage all locals & expatriates of different classes to exercise sports & entertaining activities”.

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