The notable rise in SME businesses in Dubai has become quite evident in the past few years, mainly due to Dubai’s government strategy of supporting this sector as main life line for its economy. This become more palpable in 2020 with the Covid-19 impact on all big size businesses, prompting an increase in new smaller companies emerging. Dubai Economic Department reported a 86% increase year on year in the first 6 months in 2020.

The success stories of home-grown brands are many. As every great brand, Dubai based Elli Junior was created out of necessity, vision and self-motivation.  When Elli Kasbi had her first born, she started looking for baby clothes, baby products and baby toys. But coming from Sweden, where quality is a way of life, the aspiring entrepreneur didn’t find what she would deem best for her child in terms of quality and diversity, Hence, Elli Junior was created to fill this gap in UAE market for children between the ages of 0 to 4 years old.

In the beginning of her journey, Kasbi found Dubai’s economic rules and regulations are quite encouraging and supportive of the small and medium size companies. Going strong in its fourth year now, Elli Junior recently opened its first store within Gallery Lafayette, Dubai Mall, thus introducing some of the best European brands to a thirsty audience here in UAE. “in these challenging times, we are lucky that we are in a city that understands the challenges and provide solutions for startups”. Kasbi said; “another success factor is the careful choice of products. Diversity, Inclusivity, Innovation and Affordability are key factors for me”.

Indeed, Covid-19 presented a huge challenge for most businesses, but Kasbi’s business module ensured that Elli Junior turned this challenge into an opportunity to better serve its expanding customer base. “I simply focused on enhancing my online presence across the main platforms, and made it easier for my clients to get what they want when they want it”, Kasbi concluded.

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