Art Dubai today announces an updated gallery list for its 2021 edition, reaffirming the fair’s commitment to providing a physical platform and marketplace for artists and galleries from across the Global South. This year, the fair will move to a new location at Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) in a purpose-built venue that will ensure the highest COVID-19 safety protocols, creating a secure, safe and flexible environment for participants and visitors. The fair will take place from 29 March to 3 April 2021.

Held in the strategic partnership with Dubai Culture, Art Dubai 2021will feature 50 leading Contemporary and Modern galleries from 31 countries, showcasing a diverse selection of artworks, artists and practices, reflecting the multicultural identity of the city.

Alongside galleries from major and emerging international art centres, visitors will encounter galleries from across the Middle East and South and East Asia, including from Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Palestine, Turkey, India, Vietnam and Philippines and a strong representation from across the African continent including galleries from Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco and Tunisia. Ten of Dubai’s top galleries will also take part, reflecting the growing market and rapidly developing scene of the Emirate.

Art Dubai’s Artistic Director, Pablo del Val, commented:

“In-person events are the heart and soul of the art world and ours is a sector that has – like so many others – been significantly impacted by the events of the last 12 months.

As we begin to navigate our way out of the pandemic, we feel a keen responsibility to do everything we possibly can to support the artists, galleries and many service providers who depend on a vibrant and dynamic global commercial art sector.”

Art Dubai has also announced a number of innovations for the 2021 fair. These include a collaborative new partnership with exhibiting galleries, whereby participation costs are partly based on sales, and a Remote Participation Programme that will support those galleries who are unable to travel to Dubai in person, by using new technologies to connect them digitally with fair visitors who are discovering their artworks in person.

The fair will be produced in accordance with the highest Covid-19 safety protocols; holding the event over six days, in a purpose-built structure at DIFC will provide the safest possible environment for exhibitors and visitors by better controlling access and will also allow visitors to take advantage of DIFC’s world-class restaurants and facilities.

Art Dubai 2021 Participating Galleries

View the Art Dubai 2021 Gallery List below or click here

+2, Tehran

Gallery 1957, Accra

Addis Fine Art, Addis Ababa/London

Aicon Art, New York

Akka Project, Venice/Dubai

GaleríaAlbarrán Bourdais, Madrid

Gallery ArtBeat, Tbilisi

Athr Gallery, Jeddah

Ayyam Gallery, Dubai

Saleh Barakat Gallery, Beirut

Circle Art Gallery, Nairobi/London

Comptoir des Mines Galerie, Marrakech

GALLERIA CONTINUA, San Gimignano/Beijing/Les Moulins/Havana/Rome/São Paulo/Paris

Custot Gallery Dubai, Dubai

Dastan’s Basement, Tehran


Experimenter, Kolkata

Eye for Art, Houston

Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde, Dubai

Gazelli Art House, Baku/London

Hafez Gallery, Jeddah

Leila Heller Gallery, Dubai/New York

Kristin HjellegjerdeGallery,London/Berlin

Lawrie Shabibi, Dubai

Mark Hachem, Beirut/Paris/New York

Gallery Misr, Cairo

Meem Gallery, Dubai

Mono Gallery, Riyadh

Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris/Brussels

PERROTIN, Hong Kong/Seoul/Tokyo/Shanghai/Paris/New York

Giorgio Persano, Turin

PerveGaleria, Lisbon


The Rooster Gallery, Vilnius


SARADIPOUR Art Gallery, Los Angeles

Galerie—Peter—Sillem, Frankfurt

Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut/Hamburg

Silverlens, Manila

Stems Gallery, Brussels

TAFETA, London/Lagos

TEMPLON, Paris/Brussels

The Third Line, Dubai

Tropical Futures Institute, Cebu City

Vermelho, São Paulo

Vin Gallery, Ho Chi Minh City

Yusto/Giner, Marbella

Zawyeh Gallery, Ramallah/Dubai

SalwaZeidan Gallery, Abu Dhabi

Zidoun-Bossuyt Gallery, Luxembourg


Isabelle van den Eynde, founder of Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde (Dubai) commented:

I have always believed in the energy of Art Dubai and, in spite of everything, this year is no exception. Art Dubai has remained faithful to its vision. They have persevered. I am confident the upcoming event, in its new format, will dynamize the scene yet again.”

Kristin Hjellegjerde, founder of Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery (London, Berlin, Nevlunghavn) commented:

“In these times we have to find alternative ways to keep growing. Art Dubai’s innovative approach and commitment to make the fair happen works very well for us. Having taken part in many previous editions of the fair, we trust the team to make this a great success, whether circumstances mean we can be there in person or not”

Nathalie Obadia, founder of Galerie Nathalie Obadia (Paris, Brussels) commented:

The city of Dubai has strengthened its position as a strategic crossroads thanks to ambitious fine art projects in the Middle East. As Art Dubai has become an essential fair in the region and one of the few to be held this spring, it was vital in relation to the promotion of our artists to be at this rendezvous.”

Further details of Art Dubai’s 2021 exhibition and events programme will be announced in March.

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