Today, Reem Al Hashimi, Minister of State and Managing Director for the Dubai World Expo, Franck Riester, French Minister for Foreign trade and Economic attractiveness, were welcomed by Erik Linquier, Commissioner General for France at Expo 2020 Dubai and Chairman of Cofrex, to officialize the France Pavilion completion.

The France Pavilion’s groundbreaking was in May 2019 in presence of Elisabeth Borne, former Minister of Transports. Despite the sanitary crisis and the Dubai World Expo’s one-year postponement, the France Pavilion completion is an accomplishment, more than five months before the Word Expo opens its doors on 1 October 2021. The architects’ offices of the France Pavilion, Jean-Luc Perez and Bernard Mauplot (Atelier du Prado Architectes) and Jacob Celnikier and Pascal Grabli (Celnikier &GrabliArchitectes) were in Dubai to observe their initial plans take shape on this April 8th.

For this special occasion, were also gathered Amélia Lakrafi, Member of Parliament (French National Assembly) and President of the France-Emirates friendship group at the French National Assembly, Xavier Chatel, French Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, and Raja Rabia, French Consul General in Dubai. Besides them, our Ambassador sponsors ENGIE and Orange, and Premium sponsors Accor, CNES, EDF, Lacoste and Renault were here to witness the France Pavilion completion, that will welcome their innovations to the million visitors during the six months Expo.

To symbolize the France Pavilion’s completion, the last tree garden – an acacia arabica – was planted on the France Pavilion’s promenade. This esplanade promenade was designed as a flânerie and relaxation space for visitors, adorned with endemic trees.

On April 26th, the France Pavilion will unveil its visitors’ journey and more particularly the permanent and temporary exhibitions to be discovered by the visitors on 1 October 2021.

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