The Emirates Literature Foundation today released the full session recording of eminent author Amin Maalouf’s recent appearance at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature. The discussion is an expansion of his latest book, the acclaimed Adrift: How Our World Lost Its Way, in which Maalouf addresses global warming, globalisation and digitalisation. The session is in English with Arabic subtitles, and is available in its entirety on the Emirates Literature Foundation’s YouTube channel.

AhlamBolooki, Festival Director, said: “We are delighted to continue to make literary conversations and experiences available to a wider audience, locally, across the region and the wider world, at a time when we need it more than ever.”

The recording of the Festival session is the first in a series of videos from international and local authors that the Foundation will be making available to the public for free. This includes filmed panels with Nobel Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai and English poet LemnSissay. The Foundation is also sharing a series of author interviews from the recent festival, and encourages viewers to subscribe for notifications when new videos are released.

The Emirates Airline Festival of Literature is the flagship event of the Emirates Literature Foundation and Middle East’s largest celebration of the written and spoken word. More information about the Foundation can be found on their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, and on the Foundation’s two podcasts, the Best of Emirates LitFest and the Boundless Book Club. #EmiratesLitFest fans can check out Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for year-round Festival updates.