Summer is one of the most exciting seasons and it’s the perfect time to go outdoors and to the beach. It’s also a perfect time to go out in the sun and finally achieve the body you wanted for so long.

“Being a model in Dubai for almost a decade, I get the pressure of always looking good. I promised myself that I will prioritize my health so I will feel better for myself and my family. I have also learned to create a systematic diet and workout routine for myself that helps me keep in shape, and I want to share it all with you.” said Elvira Jain

Here, Dubai-based supermodel Elvira Jain shares some helpful tips on keeping that healthy body through proper diet and workout this Summer.

#1 – Stay Hydrated!

Dubai can be extremely hot during the summer months so keeping yourself properly hydrated should be the first step on your list when learning how to get a summer body! And it isn’t just for the weight loss benefits…

One thing to do is get an infuser water bottle. With one of these, you can make your own flavoured water with fruit which will encourage you to drink more!

You can get them online, or in your local supermarket.

Fresh fruits like strawberries, berries, oranges, lemons, limes, etc. work really well, so there’s plenty of choice. If you struggle to cut out caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee, then you can always try green tea or herbal tea to substitute some of your daily intakes!

#2 – Diet is key

Nutrition, a.k.a a summer body diet counts for 80% of your progress when getting in shape, and that leaves exercise with 20%. Most people are shocked by this, but it’s true!

You can do 1,000 push ups, but you won’t lose much body fat if you go and eat everything you can afterwards. With our help you’ll know how to get a summer body fast, and how to maintain it!

I normally followed a 3-meal or 5-meal per day plan; with the 3 meals per day plan, you would have a cup size of yoghurt or porridge etc. for breakfast, a cup of fruit added to this, and possibly a dash of flaked almonds (a source of fibre).

You would then have a cooked meal for dinner with a fist-sized portion of the three recommended food groups, and then something similar for dinner.

You may even have a whole grain sandwich with a cup of veg or salad, then some fruit on the side. The point is that your portion of each food group shouldn’t be much more than a cup serving.

With the 5 meals per day approach when coaching yourself on how to get a summer body, you would decrease these meals by a third of their size, and then add in 2-3 snacks that were palm-sized.

You may have a palmful of nuts, two small boiled eggs and some spinach, and a palmful of carrot sticks or celery as your snacks for the day.

#3 – The Workout

I couldn’t teach you how to get a summer body without giving you the best workouts to achieve it.

Once you’ve followed my tips in step 2 and got into a nice routine of planning your nutrition, it’s time to turn your attention to your summer body workout routine!

I personally love HIIT and strength training, as I believe that this will get you the results you want to see and help you in learning how to get a summer body fast (and healthily!).

Here’s five HIIT workouts that worked for me when learning how to get a summer body:

  • Kettlebell squats

  • Burpees

  • Flutter Kicks

  • Bicycle Crunches

  • Moving Plank

#4 – Get Some Sleep!

Getting your full 7-9 hours of sleep is vital when learning how to get a summer body fast. Without getting to bed at a reasonable time, the process of losing weight and/or getting fit slows down unfavourably.

When you don’t get enough sleep, two of the hunger hormones in the body called ghrelin and leptin are influenced.

Ghrelin is the hormone that allows the brain to know when you are hungry. It is released in your stomach in high amounts when you are hungry, and low amounts when you have eaten.

On the other hand, the fat cells release leptin, which allows the brain to know when you are satisfied.

In the case of sleep deprivation, your body creates less leptin but more ghrelin than usual. This causes a spike in your appetite. So always make sure to get the right dose of sleep.

#5 – Record Your Progress

You’ve nailed your summer body diet, you’ve been working out endlessly, and you’re sleeping like a log.

What else could you possibly do to ensure that you know exactly how to get a summer body?

Well, there is one more thing. You may underestimate the power of it, but trust me. This is the final step in our guide on how to get a summer body, and perhaps one of the most important! You must record your progress.

Here are some quick suggestions:

  • Weigh yourself on the same morning each week

  • Measure your waist, arms, legs, etc. each week

  • Keep an outfit that doesn’t fit and try it on every week (it will get gradually looser/tighter depending on your goals!)

  • Track your body fat percentage on the scales at the gym