A young boy from Kalba, Sharjah who wants to be a police officer when he grows up was given a fast-track mini experience of his dream thanks to Dubai Police and the Emirates Literature Foundation. SaoudAhmed Salem Alkaabi, age 9,was the first winner of the Middle East edition of Voices of Future Generations, the global writing competition for children held under the patronage of the UAE National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, part of UNESCO’s network of national cooperating bodies. It is organised by the Emirates Literature Foundation on behalf of HH SheikhaHissa bint Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Goodwill Ambassador for the initiative for the Gulf Region, who sent Saoud a special message of commendation prior to his visit.

Saoud’s exclusive visit to Dubai Police headquarters was made possible after Captain Sayed Ali Abbas Al Sayed heard about his ambition to join the police from the Emirates Literature Foundation and decided to help make his dream come true. The potential police officer was provided with his tailor-made uniform and picked up in a supercar for the special tour.

HH SheikhaHissa bint Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum said: “We are very proud of Saoud. The competition lets children have their say about changing our world for the better and encourages them to think more deeply about how we treat our planet and each other. The hero of Saoud’s story stands up to bullies to defend his friend, which reflects Saoud’s own passion for justice and determination to oppose intolerance and discrimination. I am delighted that Dubai Police have recognised Saoud’s virtues and aspiration to join the police and provided him with this fantastic opportunity. His desire to improve our society and protect the rights of others is an example to us all and will serve him well in the future.”

Colonel Ali Khalfan Al Mansouri, Acting Director of General Department of Community Happiness at Dubai Police, said: “Our future recruit already embodies all the qualities that make a first-class police officer. Saoud demonstrates his commitment to being a good citizen by taking on tasks to help others, such as digging gardens and volunteering in local businesses. His awareness of the wider issues that make a difference to the community is evident in the themes he has tackled in his story. It would be a pleasure to enrol him when he gets to the right age, and I am sure he will have a distinguished career ahead of him.”

Colonel Al Mansouri further praised Captain Sayed Ali Abbas Al Sayed of the Community RelationsDepartment in coordinating with all concerned partners to fulfil Saoud’s dream and ensure his happiness.

Voices of Future Generations is a unique writing initiative created to promote Sustainability and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The initiative was first launched internationally in 2014 and first launched in 2019 in the Gulf Region. More than 600 entries were received last year, with the best entries published in an anthology titled Young Voices of Arabia, it was shared with schools and libraries across the region. The two winners of the second year of the competition will be announced in September, and registrations are now open for cycle three. For more details, see

More information about the Voices of Future Generations for the Middle East Region can be found online on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube