The Café de Paris Monte-Carlo is bringing its know-how and excellence to Monaco Pavilion. In charge of the Pavilion’s culinary operation is the Executive Chef Philippe Joannès, Director of Culinary Events at the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer, in collaboration with the well-known Chefs from the SBM. To eat in or to take away, the “Barbagiuan”, typical Monegasque speciality from the recipe book of Albert Croesi, elaborated by Manuel Bouhier, now Chef of the «Petit Monégasque». It is definitely a must try.

Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer partners with Monaco Pavilion for the Dubai World Expo.

Jean-Luc Biamonti, Chairman and CEO of the Group, explains how the EXPO 2020 DUBAI is the best possible showcase.

“The Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer Group is proud to be taking part in and supporting this new Monaco Pavilion initiative. We have always been an active partner of previous World Expos and International Exhibitions, including events in recent years in Shanghai, Yeosu, Milan and Astana. Monaco’s attendance at these international events as an exhibiting country has made it possible to promote all the Principality’s major advantages in the fields of luxury tourism, hospitality, entertainment, gambling, property and shopping.

Our presence in the “Opportunity” district of EXPO 2020 DUBAI is a wonderful opportunity to present our offers and let visitors discover our heritage, our assets and encourage them to experience our Resort, for example at the “Café de Paris Monte-Carlo” food hall in Monaco Pavilion.

Our presence also serves as testament to gratitude to the United Arab Emirates and to the Gulf States, which number among our most appreciated and respected markets.

We will take advantage of our presence and the many events organised by the Monaco Pavilion team during these six months to offer a memorable experience to visitors to EXPO 2020 Dubai!”

A journey of initiation in Monaco Pavilion, taking in a distinguished culinary experience

With his extraordinary career and experience as an internationally renowned chef, Philippe Joannès, Director of Culinary Events at the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer, is well aware of how to highlight the Principality’s culinary know-how within Monaco Pavilion in Dubai.

“The vision of Monaco 360° conveyed by Monaco Pavilion can also be felt in the dissemination of our culinary specialities, ambassadors of our typically sophisticated gastronomy using local products”, he said, before adding: “Cuisine is most of all based on sharing and convivialité. Supporting and promoting Monaco’s gastronomic know-how at such a global event won me over immediately. EXPO 2020 DUBAI is a genuine opportunity for sharing, which will enable our guests, travellers and delegations alike, to experience true communications and meetings by means of journey on their plates, in which we do our best to nourish both their body and soul, ” added Chef Philippe Joannès.