The UAE National Football Team and its Head Coach, Mr. Sreèko Katanec, left Dubai today on a Lufthansa flight to Munich to kick off preparations for the Asian Cup in Germany and Austria. Mr. Tobias Ernst, Manager of the Luft¬hansa Sales Of-fice in Abu Dhabi, along with Mr. Juergen Marske, Director Airport Service and Ground Operations Southeast Europe, Africa and Middle East/Pakistan, greeted the players at the Lufthansa check-in counters at 6am today. As a symbolic gift and a token of friendship be-tween Germany and the UAE, they presented Mr. Sreèko Katanec and Mr. Saeed Al Kas, the captain of the UAE National Football Team, with an official T-shirt of the German Na-tional Football Team, bearing the original signatures of the players..Mr. Tobias Ernst said: “It was a great pleasure to meet and greet the UAE National Foot-ball Team. We are very happy to have them fly Lufthansa and wish them all the best in their preparations for the Asian Cup and a pleasant flight and wonderful stay while in Ger-many.” He further commented that Germany and Munich in particular was a popular sum-mer destination for travelers from the UAE and across the Middle East, stating that Luf-thansa provided unparalleled travel choice for UAE residents visiting Europe.

The Lufthansa Group operates 34 flights a week from the UAE to Germany, Switzerland and Austria; Lufthansa flies daily from Dubai to Munich and daily to Frankfurt, offering best connections to an unparalleled 123 destinations in Europe and more than 20 in North America. Lufthansa also serves Abu Dhabi 6 times a week from Frankfurt. SWISS serves Dubai daily from Zurich, while Austrian Airlines flies to Dubai from Vienna on a daily basis.
