The Islamic Crescent Observation Project (ICOP) has said that Eid al-Fitr of this Hijri year 1432 will be on Wednesday, August 31st in most Muslim countries, considering that sighting of the moon is a condition for the beginning of the month of Shawwal.

In most of the Muslim countries which started Ramadan on 1st of August will have their twenty-ninth Ramadan, on August 29th and on that day the moon sighting is impossible from all regions of the Islamic world due to moonset before or with sunset, such as North and Central Asia including the UAE, Qatar , Bahrain, Kuwait, northern and central Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan, Levant and North Africa.

As for the rest of the Arab and Muslim world, the moon will be out in those areas after sunset, but the duration is too short that it does not allow to see the crescent by the eye or by using telescopes.As for countries that do not require the sighting of the crescent moon, Eid will be on Tuesday, August 30.

More about Eid in Dubai

Eid Holidays

Eid Al Fitr Holidays in ministries and federal institutions will start from Sunday, 28th of Ramadan 1432 (28th of August, 2011) to 3rd Sept while private companies have different days but at-least from 30th to 2nd September all offices in Dubai are closed.During the Eid holidays people in Dubai look for different excursions and tours like desert safaris or excursion to Al Ain or Abu Dhabi tour  or sail to Musandam for a day close to nature.
