City Walk, the lifestyle destination by Meraas, concluded its Chinese New Year celebrations with a two-day Kids Fashion Fair. The grand finale saw young Chinese boys and girls showcasing the latest in kid’s fashion by Chinese designers Cuty&Naty, Judy Fan, Wannabebe, Amelie Wang, and To Be @Thrill.

The fashion shows were held on 27 and 28 February in partnership with China Kids Moda, and featured children between the ages of five and twelve who brought the latest in young Asian fashion to the very heart of Dubai. The young models appeared on the catwalk adorned in fabulous outfits in typically Chinese silhouettes, vibrant colors and funky patterns.

Over 100 children took part in the two-day event, which saw the attendance of over 150 people at each show. An awards ceremony concluded the Kids Fashion Fair were participants were recognized for their contributions to the event.

This year, City Walk marked the Chinese New Year with a series of fun-filled events and entertainment, including a Chinese Spring Festival parade that proved immensely popular.