Adidas Inspires The City Of Dubai To Race For The Deserts Through Powerful Film Featuring Zidane

Continuing to build on its contributions to help reduce our impact on the environment, adidas is uniting people through sport to create change by inviting the city of Dubai to Race for the Deserts on November 27th. The event aims to raise awareness of the threat of plastic pollution in our deserts while supporting the nation’s vision for a more sustainable future.
Told via powerful footage shot across the city of Dubai, the film provides a preview of how one of the world’s most thriving cities rose from the desert, encouraging residents to preserve the nation’s birthplace and help end plastic waste.
Starring football legend Zidane and multiple adidas brand ambassadors, including Raha Moharrak, Walid Yari and Baraa El Sabbagh as well as adidas Runners coaches George Crew, Elizabeth Thompson and Lucy Murt, the film “Race for the Deserts” visits destinations including Dubai Design District and the historical Al Bastakiya, before ending in the epic desert of Al Qudra.
To view the video, visit @adidasDXB on Instagram or click here.
How to sign up to Race for the Deserts:
adidas app users can sign up directly through the following link:
Those without the adidas app can sign-up through the following steps:
- Download the adidas mobile app on iOS or Google Play
- Select‘on the radar’at the bottom of the page
- Scroll down to ‘events in my area’
- Select ‘sign up’ to join us on November 27th
For every KMran on November 27th, 10AED will be contributed to adidas’ local sustainability partner Dgrade in an effort to keep our deserts clean.
Additionally, and as part of the build up to Race for the Deserts, adidas hosted a community run on Friday, November 12 in Al Qudra Desert. Following the run, participants collected plastic litter close to the area as part of the brand’s initiative to create a better future for sport through sustainability whilst making a difference to the local environment.
For more information and to follow the conversation, follow@adidasDXB and #adidasDXB #Dubai30x30 #RacefortheDeserts