Al Muntada Al Islamic’s Shipment To Somalia Took Off From The IHC- Dubai

The International Humanitarian City (IHC), the biggest humanitarian hub for emergency response joined efforts with Al Muntada Al Islami, one of its valuable international humanitarian organizations to start launching the humanitarian aid program for delivering goods to Somalia.
This humanitarian aid program started with a shipment that took off from Dubai to Somalia consisting of a variety of items included 300 tents for refugees, 6 tons of children’s food, 1,500 rain covers, and 2000 insect protecting nets. The IHC and Al Muntada Al Islami initiative emanated as a respond to the humanitarian critical situation in Somalia that needs to remain high on the agenda of the international humanitarian community.
“There are already warning signs that the situation could quickly deteriorate again and people in southern Somalia are likely to experience emergency levels of food insecurity later this year and the IHC and through its global reach, infrastructure and custom designed services is keen to facilitate aid and development efforts across the globe” said HE Shaima Al Zarooni, the Chief Executive Officer of the International Humanitarian city.
Al Muntada Al Islami which is a London based NGO, has successfully made an urgent appeal to help Somalia and other African countries, following the crippling wave of droughts they faced.
“The situation in Somalia is one of worst situations the organization has seen in over 20 years, citing at least 20 million people dying of starvation, most of whom were women and children. People have no resources left after years of drought and conflict; we must help them to rebuild their lives if we are to break the cycle of repeated crises”, said Mr. Mustafa Elsayed, the Executive Manager of Al Muntada Al Islami branch in Dubai.
Al Muntada AL Islami is developing different projects such as nutrition centers for children and adults, the development of water wells, and medical assistance. Al Muntada Al Islami was able to execute numerous projects from Dubai, with the supervision and support of the International Humanitarian City (IHC) that has helped organize similar projects worldwide.
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