Amp Up Your Usual Workout Session By Burning Double The Calories At Ringside Gym

Members and visitors can gear up, load their playlists and unleash their stresses during an intense boxing workout that promises to burn calories and tone you in no time.
Ringside Gym, located in Al Quoz, encourages newcomers and first-time gym-goers to skip being overwhelmed by all the cutting edge equipment found at regular gyms and instead embrace a more simple way of training. Rather than going about the usual 20’ treadmill, 20’ weight training and 10’ stretching and only seeing an average of 360 – 532 calories burned, members at Ringside Gym will be delighted to see the calories burned, hitting highs of over 800 calories after an action-packed boxing class.
The Al Quoz-based Ringside gym will have members getting the most out of its workouts, led by highly experienced personal trainers and supported by state-of-the-art facilities. No matter the fitness level, boxing is suitable for everyone looking to get or stay active, and can be a low or high impact workout with high intensity options to burn maximum calories.
Due to the inherently aggressive nature of boxing, you may think of it as a masculine sport, but outweighing this are so many benefits for the ladies. Training through boxing promises intense fat burning, stress reduction, improved coordination, increased flexibility and most importantly, creating a sense of self-empowerment. Boxing engages all muscle groups in the body, giving a full body workout and a typical kickboxing class at Ringside Gym packs in a combination of drills with circuit training and core conditioning exercises.
There will be no pulling of punches for those claiming boxing isn’t their bag, as Ringside Gym offers a range of classes and facilities for members and visitors of all ages and fitness levels – from mixed adults Muay Thai, kids’ Martial Arts, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and ladies only personal training.
Prices range from AED55 to AED250 per session while memberships range from AED400 to AED2,000.