Armani Hotel Dubai Promotes Family-Style Dining With ‘Bambini Dine For Free’ This Summer

Soccer practice, dance rehearsals, and other scheduling conflicts make family mealtime seem like a thing of the past. This summer season, Armani Hotel Dubai encourages family- style dining with the ‘Bambini Dine for free ‘promotion.
Book a family table and children under 10 years dine for free on signature Italian flavours at Armani/Ristorante (dinner), authentic Indian specialties at Armani/Amal (dinner), coast-to-coast favourites at Armani/Mediterraneo (dinner) and contemporary European classics at Armani/Deli (lunch/dinner).
Introduce the next generation of future foodies to award-winning cuisine at Armani Hotel Dubai this summer. It is a perfect opportunity for parents to expose children to diverse culinary flavours and expand their tastes.
Whether you’re staying in the city over summer, celebrating your little one’s achievements or just rewarding them for good behaviour, take your family out to any of the Armani Hotel outlets for world- cuisine experience offered at a fantastic value.
This is a unique offer, and a chance to eat more frequently with your kids and spend more time together!
Date: 1 July – 31 August 2018
Price: A la carte. The offer is valid for a maximum of two children, per full paying adult, lowest priced items will be waived off the bill
Location: Armani/Ristorante, Armani/Amal, Armani/Mediterraneo, Armani/Deli
For reservations or enquiries, call +97148883666 or email