–‘PIAF! Le Spectacle’will return to Dubai Opera on 22 October 2022, with Broadway Entertainment Group and to mark the occasion we will be celebrating the iconic, influential songs of Édith Piaf.

“La Vie enRose” (1946)

Arguably, Piaf’s most famous song, this heart-breaking ballad articulates timeless themes of love, romance, and resilience. Covered by famous artists, including Louis Armstrong and Lady Gaga, who sang it in French in “A Star is Born”, La Vie en Rose is about finding new love after a trying time, and many people saw it as an anthem of hope as it was released shortly after the end of World War II. During the performance of ‘PIAF! Le Spectacle’, at Dubai Opera, the stage will be illuminated with black and white imagery of the performer’s life.

“Non, Je NeRegretterien” (1960)

These moving lyrics they describe the song stress letting go of a lifetime of emotional baggage. She sings “I regret nothing” and celebrates the birth of a new love that makes the past fall away. The song has been iconised throughout pop culture history, most notably in the movie “Inception”.Fans will be moved by the stunning scenography display which compliments Nathalie Lermitte’s powerful voice.

“Hymne à L’amour” (1949)

Written during the end of the 40’sthis memorable tune tragically relays the details of her love for boxer Marcel Cerdan.  Piaf first sang it in September 1949 and, in October, as Cerdan died in a plane crash whilst on his way to New York.

“Milord” (1959)

“Milord” meaning ‘my lord’ was written by Georges Moustaki in 1959 and epically performed by Piaf. The song, which has a dual name ‘Ombre de la Rue’ is describes a French courtesan who secretly has feelings for a high-class, wealthy Englishman. Their forbidden love is reminiscent of many tales from The Moulin Rouge, where Piaf frequently performed.

“La Foule” (1957)

This world-famous song was originally a celebrated Latin American song called “Que NadieSepaMiSufrir,” otherwise known as “Amor de MisAmores.” Piaf’s rendition of the song is often used as a waltz dance, and the Dubai Opera stage will be lit up with the performers [Broadway Entertainment to share details].

“L’Accordéoniste” (1940)

Meaning ‘the accordionist’, this is a beautiful song, telling the sad tale of the wife of an accordionist who has been called to war and brings to life her fears she will never see him alive again. The heart wrenching song evokes immediate emotion, particularly with Lermitte’s haunting notes filling the Dubai Opera stage.

Tickets are available at for two performances on 22 October 2022

Tickets range from AED 295 for Silver, AED 395 for Gold, AED 595 for Platinum and AED 795 for VIP

Performance Times

  • Saturday 22 October 2022 at 3:00 pm & 8:00 pm

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