The founder of 4get-me-not DesiréeVlekken recently launched “Chocoholics” a grief support group, with a purpose to provide seniors and caregivers who are living with grief, a safe environment to share, connect and heal. The group plans to meet monthly, over a hot cup of chocolate and share their personal journeys.

Desirée Vlekken – founder of 4get-me-not says“I felt compelled to start Chocoholics; since there are many senior and caregivers in our organization that are hurting from losing a loved one. Most often, whenever we have a group activity or gathering; someone from the group would volunteer a personal story about the husband or wife or child they have lost.  I thought it would make perfect sense to introduce a platform where seniors/caregivers would have a safe space to share, grieve and move forward.On a personal note, I carry my own heavy grief; I have recently lost my dad (79yrs) on 20th Jan 2021 from Pneumonia and complications of Alzheimer’s and about 1 week after launching Chocoholics, I lost my mom (81yrs) from battling Covid in April 2021. I was unable to attend their funerals due to travel restrictions to Manila.

The group’s name Chocoholics – “Life is sticky but sweet” was inspired from learning about the benefits of consuming dark chocolate, which helps with memory, blood pressure, and acts as a mood enhancer whilst alleviating depression and it also has anti-inflammatory properties, which is good for the brain. This is what Chocoholics intends to achieve, for its participants to heal, one chocolate at a time.

Chocoholics held its first meeting earlier this month with 6 participants. The program ensures that everybody gets a chance to speak.  The program moderator was Kim Smith, an Inclusion specialist for people of determination and book reviewer; her background enables her to manage delicate topics such as grief and mourning. Before the end of the session, each participant created a one-page collage with a photo of a loved one with colours and special messages. This will be filed and stored in the Chocoholics Time Capsule.

“It was vital to create a sweet and safe environment where we start each session with a cup of hot chocolate. People who are grieving (like myself) can feel detached and this needs to be addressed and enable us to be functional again” adds Desirée Vlekken – founder of 4get-me-not

If anyone is over 60yrs + or a caregiver, and would like to attend one of Chocoholic’s monthly group meetings, they can email the team at info@4get-me-not.orgto register. In order for the group to continue the group meetings, it needs support through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) sponsorships. This will enable Chocoholics to hold meetings twice a month, subsidize refreshments for participants, materials and offer a stipend for program Moderators.

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