Coca-Cola Arena Launches ‘Be Live In Dubai’ To Showcase The Talents Of Dubai’s Community

Coca-Cola Arena has launched a city-wide campaign calling on Dubai residents to showcase their talents whilst staying at home.
Be Live In Dubai will run on Coca-Cola Arena’s Instagram and Facebook accounts throughout the month of April in a bid to showcase a range of talents across Dubai’s community whilst also calling for performers to say why they believe in Dubai.
Performers of any ability are asked to film themselves at their homes performing a song, playing an instrument or another talent across dance, comedy and sport and upload their video to Instagram using @cocacolaarena and the hashtag #BeLiveInDubai.
Coca-Cola Arena will then showcase the very best performances throughout the week at 5pm each weekday.
The initiative is designed to keep live entertainment at the forefront in this difficult time for so many whilst also providing a platform for local talent to showcase their own abilities, no matter how good or bad direct from the comfort of their home whilst staying indoors.
Followers of Coca-Cola Arena’s Instagram and Facebook accounts will see regular content created by the community and are urged to take part, no matter how advanced their talent is.
Whether it be performances on balconies, in living rooms or gardens, Coca-Cola Arena wants to see the very best of what the city has to offer as Dubai’s home of live entertainment takes a virtual stage across the city.
Performances could range from the sublime to the ridiculous across many genres with the aim of keeping the community smiling the key component.
To play your part, follow @ccoacolaarena on Instagram and upload your video to your Instagram account making sure to use @cocacolaarena and adding the #BeLiveInDubai hashtag.
Tune in to Coca-Cola Arena’s Instagram and Facebook accounts each weekday evening at 5pm to see who is featured each day.