Colombia’s Export Sales Of Imported Fruits To The UAE Totaled More Than AED 12M During The First Eight Months Of 2021

Colombia’s fruit exports to the UAE hit an all-time high of more than AED12 million between January and August 2021 and is projected to increase in the remaining months. Mangoes, passion fruit, pitahayas, uchuvas, hass avocados, figs, tree tomatoes, gulupa, and lulo were among the top imported Colombian fruits in the UAE during the first eight months of the year.
Colombia and the UAE have created a strong and vibrant alliance through trade relations, that has resulted in an increase in Colombia’s export sales, particularly in the fruit industry. This growth can also be seen in Colombian fruit sales to the UAE amounting to more than AED 3,3M in 2019, which further doubled in 2020 to more than AED 6.9M. As a result, the country is excited about the prospect of expanding its export potential with the UAE.
These well-known exotic fruits have also made their way to Expo 2020 Dubai, showcasing its wide varieties of fruits at the Colombia pavilion. Home to more than 400 types of fruits, the nation, which is one of the 10 most important exotic fruit suppliers in the world, has been exhibiting its diverse products, including its fresh produce, at the Expo as part of its bid to form strong trade relations with the UAE and other MENASA (Middle East, North Africa and South Asia) markets. Colombian fruits and vegetables are particularly distinct for their color, flavor, aroma and soluble solids content compared to the produce of other subtropical countries.
“The Expo has afforded us an international platform to introduce top-notch products of Colombian origin to the region. We seek to optimize opportunities that will allow us to export our fruits and other commodities to key MENASA markets. This will enable us to expand our global reach and foster new foreign collaborations and investments with positive effects on our national economy,” said Flavia Santoro, President of ProColombia.
She further added “Over the past weeks since the start of the Expo, we have been demonstrating globally why Colombia is considered one of the ‘world’s agricultural pantries.’ Our year-round food production capacity, wide variety of fruits, especially exotic ones, and other quality agricultural products have allowed our country to contribute to the global community’s efforts to meet the ever-rising food demand. We are one of the top food producers and exporters in the world today, with still untapped potentials and investment prospects. We are confident that the Expo will help us form partnerships to realize these potentials and further increase foreign investment inflows into our country.”
Colombia has already cultivated more than 8 million hectares of its land. However, only 20 per cent is reportedly being utilized, hence opening wider opportunities for further agricultural development.
Visitors to the Colombia Pavilion can also explore and sample these exotic fruits and now Kibsons, one of the largest and most important online supermarkets in the UAE, in collaboration with ProColombia, has also made available on its platform 11 Colombian fruits, namely feijoa, curuba, pitahaya, granadillas, gulupa, baby bananas, uchuvas, guava, papaya, tree tomatoes, and figs.
Additionally, the Colombia Pavilion hosts a small-sized supplier of fruit pulps used for juices and ice cream to promote local businesses. Apart from fruits, Colombia showcases other diverse products as well based on the thematic weeks, namely flowers, fashion, design, innovation, fruit, meat, coffee, and cocoa.