Dubai Art Expo By Artissima Art Agency Launched 500 Artists From 170 Countries With H E Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan

The historic three-day Event brought art and culture together of different countries together and highlighted achievements of the nation’s Art initiatives for Jubilee celebrations
Artissima Art Agency introduced the Dubai Art Expo with a record of over 500 artists from over 170 countries with a grand opening at the Meydan Hotel with visual artists, followed by performances from five continents including Art Talks and Shows.
The event was attended by H. E Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Cabinet Member and Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence and curated by Aurela Cuku, Founder of Artissima Art Agency.
The historic event was an initiative from the UAE for the world artists to celebrate the golden jubilee of the UAE and showcased exquisite art while fostering mutual cooperation that built bridges between nations.
There were a series of talks on art by renowned artists and performing arts personalities. Attending the event on the first day was the Minister of Culture from Albania, Elva Margariti, Fiji Ambassador, H. E Naipote Katonitabua, President of Peace Run Italy, Alfredo de Joanan, Bernard Dika from national Park for Peace with a strong representation from the Colors of Peace.
On the second day, Al Fahidi Historical Neighbourhoods with Akaas Visual Arts played host to the Association of Colours of Peace exhibition, a non-profit association that promotes children’s art internationally to reduce cultural, social and economic distances between rich and poor countries with messages of peace, tolerance and unity. Children from the UAE will be drawing for peace.
The President of ‘Colors for Peace’, Antonio Giannelli, Bernard Dika, Councillor at National Park for Peace Sant’Anna di Stazzema and Councillor for Innovation and Youth Policies of the Tuscan Region, Italy together with the President of Peace Run, Alfredo De Joannon endorsed the Peace torch to Angelo Baldini, the President at Cycling team MG K VIS. The cyclists rode from the Meydan Hotel to Al Fahidi area for the awareness of the Colors for Peace initiative. This was followed by the show ‘Symbols of Peace and Love’ by the well-known Syrian artist Badie Jahjah, a spiritual artist.
On the last day, there wereArt Talks with the Secretary-General of the Foundation Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale” Sara Abram in presence of Dr Platon Alexiou, Dr Najat Al Saeed and Dr. Nasser Palangi.
This was followed by the show “Caravaggio” by the well-known Italian artist Mimmo Centonze. There will also be additional insights from Dr. Carla Barbara Coppi on her new book.
Aurela Cuku, Curator of the exhibition and Founder of Artissima Art Agency was a catalyst in bringing art from all over the world to encourage a culture of art and heritage appreciation.
Artissima Art Agency has helped evolve the art community consistently over the last decade, launching the region’s best artists and art shows under one roof. The event was sponsored by San Marino Welcome, Morals General Contracting LLC, Anker, Studio Emmeand Creative Artestic.
List of Artists
Ndue Pepa, Natasha Bega, Saimir Strati, Leonardo Voci, Floriana Paskali, Gjiorgjina Kolaj, Ardian Isufi, Idlir Koka, Theo Napoloni, Eros Dibra, Emira Zenelaj, Adrian Pepa, Pashk Pervathi, Admir Pervathi, Thanas Gega, Enerida Lila, David Grey, Abdelkader Khemir, Bruna Basini, Juan Carlos Zeballos, Majo Portilla, OB, Maria Rita Vita, Demo, Mimmo Centonze, Antonio Saporito, Roberta Gulotta, Lucia Filippi, Barbara Pecorari, Edmondo Nardini, Dale, Patrizia Dottori, Rossana Raota, Graciela Ghirardosi, Ana Paula Ocampo, Lucinda Paez, Gladis Decker, Narges Soleimanzadeh, Sahar Alizadeh, Shirin Moayya, Sadaf Kobari, Maryam Moghaddam, Narges Maleki, Shahrzad Taheri, Sabrineh Toopchi, Rooha Dabbaghian, Mitra Azmoudeh Kalaty, Lida Goldoust, Farahnaz Oliyaei, Nilufar Rastgoftar, Sahel Panahi, Lamya Al Awami, Maco Vargas, Monica Tambini, Rocio Valdes, Iris Mackenzie, Eddie Sulca, Juan Andres Coriat Vargas, Mamani Mamani, Jose Musse, Davi Faustino, Gildasio Rodriguez, Eduardo Nick, Marcela Goujon, Alejandra Palos, Fabiola Salinas, Michelle Carolina Marquez, Monica Garcia, Luvensky Valmont, Vitalina Naseu Nabola, Grace Adicaginioba Vaciloa, Peni Vaciloa, Romeo McKellar, Wakanisi Vaciloa, Arone Kitolelei, Dinaulu Leano, Sisilia Dinono Tamanikuola, Lemeki Leano JNR, Jayanta Khan, Bishwaranjan Bhunia, W. Inaoton, Nawal Kishore, Ranjit Sarkar, Dilip Choudhury, Sukanta Das, Om Swami, Madhusudan Saha, Ashok Rathore, Nataliya Anri, Anastasiya Bundur, Oleksii Beliusenko, Anna Kostritskaya, Nicolene Weyers, Ruben Calimin, Marco Riha, Mohammed Quraiseh, Reem Zamrik, Ayham Tibi, Babita Shamji, Nasser Palangi, Farideh Zariv, Burhan Ahmeti, Safet Spahiu, Monte Yellow Bird, Acoma Pueblo Pottery 10, Gallam Yassine, Raduane Benhenor, Bassam and Mysoon, Suha Al Selawi, Najat Al Saied, Nora Alabdulhadi, Marwan Salameh, Badie Jahjah, Raula G. Ayoub, Alvaro Gutierrez, Basil Osman Eltayib Hassan, Charity Bandason, Tawanda Makore, Gift Musimwa Bandason, Azeem Ali, Melisa Luz Prior, Claudia Milena Montes Carmona, Sanman Lee, Marina Stoponja, Jure Ursic, Bashkim Hoti, Vhilo Persson, Ajla Dazdarevic, Wali Haider, Abdullah Ali, Ainura Alikova, Boubakar Tangara, Gokce Abdik Ciftcioglu, Safet Spahiu, Ahmet Burhani, Platon Alexiou, Humeira Hussain, Pedro Morazza, Manuel Facal, Jose Manuel Garcia, Marcos Tamargo, Momoe Von Reiche, Seguimi 20, Romi Maegli, Ricardo Pulido Suarez, Mauricio Velez, Henry Hincapie, Rodrigo Beltran B, Andrea Wilches, Zayed Higher Organization for People with Determination – 20, Mohd Al, Musaabi, Wael Ahmed, Mohd Al Ali, Ali Al Kemzari, Riham Akeelah,, Faisal Al Ali, Musaab Al Musaabi, Omar Al Marzouqi, Fahimi Al Shilaili, Farah Ridhwan, Peyman Shaafi, Babak Rashvand, Eveline Aleksiunaite, Rexhep Shehi, GAEL, Racheal Tumwine Kyomugisha, Vahida Nimambegu, Hashmetullah Hayat, Marisol Grijalva, Oxana Oncu, Elena Ageeva, Marco Riha, Nozima Giyaskhodjaeva, Arjeta Miftari, Luljeta Rama, Horacio Carrenas, Eugenia K, Nozima Giyaskhodjaeva, Sayed Ameen, Edy Mosses, Adan Dury, BEA, B.O, Sarah Ahmed Farid Al Aulaqi, Felipe Lopez, Claudia Milena Montes, Guido Folco, Davi Faustino, Franca Salato, Giulio, Ricardo Pulido, Carla Barbara Coppi, Vitalina Naseu Nabola, Carla Barbara Coppi, Aida Arvila, Denald Cuku, Tannaz Izadparast, Barbara Ribezzi, Gentian Simo, Bilal Al Halabi, Muhammed Al Marri, Pizzoni Giorgio, Antonio Giannelli, Mario Gallo, Angelo Baldini, Alfredo De Joannon, Bernard Dika, Giovanna Iafrate, Giovanni Marendon, Domenico, Rubicondo, Matteo Marendon, Mauro Duca, Edoardo Allasia, Eduardo, Nick, Nadiia Ratke, Mai Majdy, Beste Gursu, Jenny Lee Foster, Micaela, Jeong, Tomas Forti, Raul Picco, Adriana Garcia, Mariana, Turchio, Jassim Al Awadhi, Faisal Al Rais, David Grey, Seguimi, Zayed Higher Organization for People with Determination, Aschiana Children, San Marino Welcome, Anyyah Gallery, Ranranga Dance, Academy 10, Dubai Collage 50, Acoma Pueblo Pottery 10, Colors for Peace 316, Lina Tarakji Alshihabi