Dubai Authorities Intensify Precautionary Measures To Protect Labourers From COVID-19

Dubai authorities are intensifying precautionary measures at labour camps to safeguard the health and wellbeing of blue-collar workers amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
The extensive measures are part of Dubai’s campaign to counter COVID-19 in high-density labour accommodation facilities.
Teams from the Dubai Health Authority, DHA, COVID-19 Command and Control Centre, Dubai Police, the Permanent Committee for Labour Affairs and the private sector are working closely to ensure labourers remain safe and enjoy a good standard of living.
As part of the campaign, regular field visits are organised to carry out proactive COVID-19 tests and raise awareness on the virus. Workers who test positive are quarantined, while those that require medical care are hospitalised at medical facilities that provide the highest level of care. Suspected cases are isolated and subjected to tests to ensure all workers are free of the virus. Currently, extensive COVID-19 tests are being conducted at a number of labour camps in Dubai.
Inspection teams regularly assess labour accommodations and ensure buildings meet health and safety requirements. Authorities are also supervising large-scale sterilisation operations at labour camps as part of a city-wide programme.
Furthermore, workers are being provided with health guidelines in multiple languages to ensure they are clearly understood. The health guidelines aim to educate labour camp residents about the virus, its transmission and essential precautions for protecting themselves and the community. Awareness of precautionary guidelines and essential hygiene practices such as washing hands, wearing face masks and social distancing are critical in combating the virus.
The campaign conducted in various labour camps has played a significant role in reducing the spread of the virus. The intensified measures enable speedy detection and isolation of cases to protect workers from COVID-19. The campaign comes at a time when increased scientific research is being conducted to understand the virus’s impact on individuals and find effective treatments.
Authorities have provided their best medical personnel to implement the campaign in collaboration with the private sector. They have also provided all equipment necessary to conduct widespread tests. Precautionary measures are being implemented according to global best practices.
Dubai Government’s efforts to safeguard the health and wellbeing of workers reflect its keenness to provide the best living and working conditions for workers, who it recognises as important contributors to the country’s development process.