Dubai Competitiveness Office Launches Campaign To Raise Awareness And Emirate’s Global Ranking

The Dubai Competitiveness Office in Dubai Economy has launched a ‘Dubai Competitiveness’ campaign in line with the government’s initiatives to enhance resilience against the impact of COVID-19. The campaign will support Dubai’s efforts to share experiences and information as well as spread awareness among the various target groups, including federal and local government entities, the private sector, global entities involved in monitoring competitiveness, educational institutions, and members of society.
The campaign includes virtual awareness workshops and interactive programmes on competitiveness indicators, in addition to publication of a series of infographics and brochures. A virtual workshop titled ‘Fundamentals of Competitiveness 101’ will be hosted by Dubai Competitiveness Office on Tuesday, 28th of July as part of the activities of the summer camp organised by the Ministry of Culture and Youth. The workshop aims to educate the community on the concept of competitiveness and its indices.
The infographics, meant to be shared periodically on the social media handles of Dubai Economy, will plot a set of global competitive indices that reflect the positioning of Dubai in various sectors. The Competitiveness Office has also prepared an information bulletin about the competitiveness of Dubai in the health sector as was evident during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Meanwhile, the brochures planned will have information on competitiveness levels across vital sectors in Dubai and its deciders. The preparedness shown by the Government of Dubai in confronting the pandemic from a competitive perspective will also be dealt with in the brochures.
The interactive programmes will include a competition on competitiveness topics, which is also meant to provide an opportunity to gauge awareness among individuals on the competitiveness concept. The competition, which will be announced on social media, seeks to foster a competitiveness culture and its impact on the various economic sectors, thus contributing to raising the emirate’s position globally.
Hani Al Hamli, Manager, Dubai Competitiveness Office, said: “The emirate of Dubai, and the UAE in general, have always led in global competitiveness indices. The Dubai Competitiveness Office realises the importance of educating society about this very important topic. Our comprehensive campaign seeks to highlight the importance of competitiveness and its role, especially in light of crises such as COVID-19. We also aim to spread a competitiveness culture and awareness of the leading position of Dubai and the UAE in this aspect to enhance confidence within the society on the strength and resilience of the national economy. The campaign also aims to educate the target audiences about the government’s efforts to enhance competitiveness and emphasise its benefits through highlighting global competitive indices that reflect the emirate’s rankings.”
Among the expected results of the campaign is cooperation between the Dubai Competitiveness Office and local and federal entities to develop and review competitiveness rankings, in addition to launching initiatives that enhance competitiveness across vital sectors in Dubai and help businesses in post-COVID decision-making.
For more information of the Dubai Competitiveness campaign and participation, please contact: