“Dubai Culture” And “Dubai Statistics Center” … Cooperate To Monitor And Develop Satisfaction Level Within The Cultural Sector In The Emirate

Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) has signed an MOU with Dubai Statistics Center (DSC), through which the center provides services for carrying out studies and opinion polls related to the services provided by the Authority and providing it with statistical data that would help it upgrading those services, within the framework of integrating efforts and strengthening partnership relations in a way that supports “Dubai Culture” vision aimed at strengthening Dubai’s position as a Global Centre for Culture an Incubator for Creativity a Thriving Hub for Talent.
The agreement was signed by Her Excellency HalaBadri, Director General of Dubai Culture, representing the Authority, while His ExcellencyArifObaid Al Muhairi, Executive Director of the Center, signedon behalf of Dubai Statistics Center.
Based on this agreement, DSC will launch the Authority’s happiness measurement questionnaires electronically and provide data on the results of those studies on the interactive statistics system. Dubai Culture prepared questionnaires to measure the customers, suppliers, society, partners and employee’s satisfaction about its services. The agreement outlines a work methodology that will ensure that surveys are completed in a timely, correct and effective manner, by making use of the statistical technical opinion of the center and the services of the smart statistics system that it provides.
HE HalaBadri, Director General of Dubai Culture, stressed that this agreement comes in line with the directives of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai to enhance integrating roles between various entities in UAE, especially the government sector, noting that the authority seeks through this cooperation to upgrade its services and achieve Dubai’s vision of promoting the cultural sector in the Emirate. She said, “Government integration and teamwork is one of the main pillars on which the Dubai Culture’s strategy, policies and operations are based. Through cooperation with DSC, we merge resources and work to make a change in the cultural scene in Dubai, strengthening the emirate’s position on the world’s cultural map. ”
Badriadded: “Statistical data constitutes a strong base for planning, development processes and decision-making support, as it provides a better vision and a deeper understanding of the gaps and helps in identifying the necessary measures for development. Excellence in levels of institutional culture and service provision is one of the institutional priorities of the updated Dubai Culture strategic map. 2020 -2025. in order to achieve the happiness of our employees and customers, we believe that this cooperation withDSC will contribute to achieving the desired development at this level, which will reflect positively on the satisfaction of all segments of society with the quality and diversity of the authority’s services and motivate them to actively participate in the cultural movement that it leads.
Arif Al Muhairi, Dubai Statistics Center Executive Director, said, “The center is keen to strengthen its partnerships by providing statistical support in various areas including consultation and informational for its partners, planners and decision-makers. Taking into consideration that the quality of statistical data provided is the base for successful planning and development, and Dubai culture is achieving a significant leap in the field of culture statistics.
Al Muhairi added, that these partnerships represent a great added value to the center’s work, as they are mutual organizational partnerships, which are greatly utilized in the process of sharing data from several administrative sources. ”
HH Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, chairperson of Dubai Culture, launched in July 2020 the Authority’s Six-Year Strategic Roadmap that outlines the key pillars to fully empower the mandated role of the Authority as a regulator and facilitator of the cultural and creative sector that seeks to support and promote the development and sustainability of the city’s vibrant cultural ecosystem and creative economy.