Dubai Economy Shuts Down Restaurant In Bluewaters For Violating COVID-19 Precautionary Guidelines

Dubai Economy intensified its disciplinary measures against those who violate COVID-19 precautionary guidelines, and also reminded that the shut-down period and the fines imposed on violating facilities will be doubled, depending on the nature of the violation.
A restaurant in Bluewaters that was found to have violated the precautionary guidelines was ordered closed by Dubai Economy yesterday in co-operation with Dubai Tourism. The action followed field inspections by the Commercial Compliance & Consumer Protection (CCCP) Sector in Dubai Economy. In addition, a violation notice was issued to a commercial establishment inside a shopping centre after employees failed to wear masks, while four other outlets were warned for not having physical distancing stickers posted on the floor.
The inspections conducted yesterday found that 518 shops and commercial establishments fully complied with the precautionary guidelines. Dubai Economy stressed the need for everyone to adhere to the precautionary measures in order to protect public health and to ensure business continuity.
Dubai Economy had also closed down a café on Friday for its failure to comply with the precautionary measures. Dubai Economy called on everyone to report any non-compliance to the precautionary guidelines through the Dubai Consumer app available on the Apple, Google, and Huawei stores, by calling 600545555, or by visiting the website.