Director General of Dubai Customs Ahmed Mahboob Musabih said Dubai Customs has dealt with 21 million passengers’ items of luggage for 11.8 passengers on board 89,000 flights arriving into Dubai International Airport in the first half of 2019.

During his tour of terminals 1,2, and 3 of Dubai International Airport, Director of Dubai Customs said he was very happy Dubai Customs is part of the success and distinction of Dubai International Airport; the first airport worldwide to have automated customs procedures and facilitation of passenger traffic during peak seasons such as hajj and holidays seasons.

Musabih added that there are challenges facing customs authorities, especially in strategically located cities like Dubai which invested billions to get the infrastructure of its ports and airports to a very advanced world class level.

“We keep innovating to help passengers visiting Dubai have a pleasant experience and to save them time and effort. For example, we have recently rolled out “ideclare” application which enables passengers to Dubai declare their belongings if needed in only 5 minutes, rather than 45 minutes” Musabih said.

The passenger operations department made 928 seizures during the first half of 2019 (770 criminal seizures and 158 customs seizures).

On his turn, Khalid Ahmed, Deputy Director of Passenger Operations Department talked about the department’s achievements in facilitating passengers’ travel and securing the airport and the emirate from any smuggling attempts.

Dubai Customs inspection officers thwarted different drug smuggling attempts including a seizures of 1,129 kg of cocaine, 554 tramadol pills, 199 grams of cannabis, and 16,800 e-cigarettes.

Director General of Dubai Customs was escorted by Shuaib Al Suwaidi, Director of Customs Intelligence Department, Falah Khalil Al Sammak, senior manager of DXB Terminal 2, Khalifa bin Shahin, senior manager of terminal 3, and Walid bin Darwish, senior manager of Al Maktoum terminal.