Dubai Investments Supports UAE’s Women Of Determination Through Social Program

Dubai Investments PJSC has underlined its commitment to the UAE’s People of Determination by supporting a Social Program for Women of Determination, a year-long calendar of events and activities that will enable and empower individuals and their families, and promote greater social inclusion within the wider community.
Dubai Investments has provided support for the special 12-month program, developed by Kalimati Communication and Rehabilitation Centre, which will provide a sustained focus on social and vocational skills, recreational activities and events that will build skill sets, increase physical fitness and confidence.
The program, which is being led by a behaviour therapist, will concentrate on a number of key areas of development, including vocational activities such as crafts, cooking, arts and gardening – all vital skills that will be learned in a safe and supportive social environment which will encourage greater connections and independence. Specific strategies will also be implemented to build social skills and enhance social interactions, and a workshop is being held with familes to identify interests and abilities of all members of the group.
The group will also experience arts and crafts workshops, including an exhibition to showcase their products, sports, recreation and a variety show while workshops will also be held to support family and caregivers. They will participate in several bazaars where they will have the opportunity to first hand experience several entrepreneurship skills. Highlights of the program includes the Diners Club where they will be able to meet, socialize and order from several cuisines.
The Launch of the program took place in May at Kalimati Center. The Women of Determination interacted with the team from Dubai Investments. Several joint activities took place like Arts and Live Soap Making. The Official program symbol was the Ghaf Tree Planting Ceremony to represent the Tolerance of this program.