Dubai Islamic Bank Donates AED16 Million To Zakat Fund Projects

The Dubai Islamic Bank donated AED16 million to the Zakat Fund, whose projects this year are being carried out under the slogan, “Your Zakat Means Safety and Security.”
Abdullah Aqeeda Al Muhairi, Secretary-General of the Zakat Fund, praised the bank for its donation, as well as for its positive humanitarian and charitable role in improving the standards of living of the categories supported by the fund, who include needy citizens and residents around the country.
“Our joint cooperation with top philanthropists, merchants and companies, led by the Dubai Islamic Bank, aims to increase the level of aid for needy people and enable them to face the hardships of life,” Al Muhairi said, noting that the bank annually supports charitable and social work around the country.
He also called on Islamic banks and institutions to follow the initiative of the Dubai Islamic Bank to provide zakat money to deserving groups and help the Zakat Fund achieve its goals.