Dubai Municipality is joining the activities of the UAE Innovates 2021, organised by the General Secretariat of Dubai Executive Council, from 21st to 27th February, to enhance the Municipality’s directions towards promoting the values of creativity and innovation in its various sectors.

Dawoud Al Hajri, Director General of Dubai Municipality, emphasised the Municipality’s keenness to participate in the activities of UAE Innovates 2021, which is a forum for embodying and translating the directives of the wise leadership towards achieving happiness and the highest levels of living standards for the members of the society, by making innovation a method of work, a pattern for government development, and an essential tributary of development and sustainability.

He added that the Municipality pays great attention to encourage the culture of research and creativity, which is the basis for the consolidation of innovation, and its progress and development.

The participation of Dubai Municipality in UAE Innovates this year comes through an array of events that are organised virtually using modern technical means, in order to preserve the safety of everyone. One of the most prominent activities of the Municipality this year is the holding of the virtual annual ceremony to honor the creators, in appreciation of their contribution to the Corporate Suggestion Scheme with a set of creative ideas, which had a significant positive impact in promoting development methods in the various fields of the Municipality’s work.

The Municipality’s activities also aim to shed light on the most prominent innovative and unique projects of the Municipality and the importance of involving individuals and groups of the society in drawing and building the future of cities, in addition to a set of virtual activities and workshops, while continuing to enhance the role of social media channels in spreading the culture of innovation, which contributes to empowering the society and supports the Municipality’s march in adopting innovation and raising awareness in all its aspects.

Ahmed Al Badwawi, Director of Knowledge and Innovation Department in the Municipality, praised the prominent role played by the Municipality in promoting the concept of innovation and creativity among the various segments of the society and caring for creative people and innovators and their innovative ideas, through many initiatives and events that contribute to spreading awareness on the importance of innovation and promoting creative practices.

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