DUPHAT Commences On Its Second Day

The 26th edition of the Dubai International Pharmaceuticals & Technologies Conference & Exhibition ‘DUPHAT’, the biggest pharmaceutical event in the Middle East North Africa region commenced on the 2nd day at the Dubai World Trade Center. This specialized event runs until the 7th of April, 2021 and has attracted a large number of global pharmaceutical specialists from the UAE and across the globe including doctors, specialists, pharmacists and industry professionals as well as students from various universities and colleges, who actively showcased their latest projects and scientific research in the field of pharmacy.
Furthermore, the importance of DUPHAT Conference and Exhibition lies not only in the unique platform it provides for professionals and specialists to network and communicate, but also in the significance of the field it’s specialized in. Today,the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are among the top countries that boast a rapid population growth with increasing demand on patent drug and generic drugs consumption. In addition, there is a noticeable growth in the number of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, which continues to expedite growth for pharma generic drug makers in the region. Therefore, DUPHAT brings together decision makers, specialists and industry professionals and encourage them to dive deeper into the current issues and discuss ways to resolve them.
On the 2ndday, DUPHAT conference featured a number of key discussions on a range of topics related to pharmacy such as ‘The longevity impact and cost-effectiveness of new drugs’, ‘How to use Health Technology Assessment (HTA) for decision making?’, ‘Is Healthcare ready to adopt AI? Challenges and opportunities.’, ‘Empowering Regulatory Change Agents in a Post Pandemic World’ and ‘COVID-19 pandemics translated into tangible health economics’.
While commenting on his participation in DUPHAT 2021, Prof. Peter J. Pitts, President of Center for Medicine in the Public Interest, Former FDA’s Associate Commissioner for External Relations, USA said: “The UAE has been at the forefront of the battle against COVID-19. Now it can continue its global leadership by putting the many lessons learned to work solving many other urgent healthcare issues. As a global partner, the UAE has proven once again that it is t the size of the nation that counts but its commitment and intellectual resources.”
In addition, the second day of DUPHAT witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF) and Axios, where the two entities will join hands to promote improved public health and shed the light on access to medicine challenges.
Furthermore, DUPHAT-Tech on the sidelines of the exhibition, focused on showcasing key pharmaceutical technologies that are the revolutionizing the field of pharmacy and updating the industry with the latest breakthroughs in scientific research and technology.
In addition, There is a strong preference in the region to reduce imports and increase domestic production both generics & branded drugs, thus making it a lucrative market for pharmaceutical companies.
Commenting on their participation in the DUPHAT exhibition, Dr. Emad Rizkalla, Chief Operating Officer at New Country Healthcare said: “At a time when the pandemic is getting increasingly vicious in all parts of the world, and with it, closures are increasing in various countries, the United Arab Emirates is showing the world its excellence in various fields, the most important of which is the field of healthcare and health awareness.”
He added: “DUPHAT 2021 conference and exhibition is an essential event that helps to raise health awareness across the community, and introduce society members in general and health workers in particular to the latest developments in the field of healthcare, pharmaceuticals and essential nutritional supplements that can aid in the battle against COVID-19.”
He concluded: “New Country Healthcare participates annually in the DUPHAT exhibition as an active member in the healthcare field, and during DUPHAT, we present the latest innovations in the field of pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements to reinforce the body’s immunity and treat a variety of diseases, including respiratory diseases. We would like to thank DUPHAT for providing an opportunity for us and all companies operating in the UAE to participate in this exhibition, which proves its distinction and importance year after year to the healthcare field.”
DUPHAT is organized annually by INDEX Conferences and Exhibitions – a member of INDEX Holding and in strategic partnership with General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs, and support of Dubai Health Authority, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, European Society of Oncology Pharmacy, European Federation for Pharmaceutical science, and European society of Clinical pharmacy.