Filipino Sand Artist Creates Tribute For UAE’s Successful Space Journey

UAE’s triumphant launch to space continues to be celebrated across the country and this time, winner of the 2018 ‘The Filipino Times Awards Artist of the Year’, Nathaniel Alapide has created a dedicated work of art to commemorate the country’s momentous occasion.
“Alapide created a sand art in the image and likeness of UAE’s first Emirati astronaut in space, Hazza Al Mansoori which he made in a span of two hours at RIXOS Premium in Dubai,” said the Dubai-based Filipino Times.
The paper quoted Alapide as saying that it was once his dream to reach space to be an astronaut and that this occasion inspired him to do this creation as his way of congratulating the country.
“Seeing someone like Al Mansoori go up there makes me feel that he carries a part of my dream with him. Its hard to put this feeling into words so maybe by creating this picture of him is my way of thanking him for it. I’m proud of what he has accomplished,” said Alapide.
The sand artist hopes for the astronaut’s safe return and looks forward to meet him soon. “I wish him well and hopefully I can shake his hand when he comes back from space.”
Al Mansoori will be in space for eight days to perform various experiments and gain knowledge about space exploration and is expected to be back in the UAE by October 8th.
Image credit : Filipinotimes