Freedom Pizza, the home-grown UAE pizza delivery service, is excited to announce that it is testing electric motorbikes, with the clean energy start-up, Solva Technologies. Freedom will be playing an integral role in the start-up’s testing period by using the e-bikes for Freedom Pizza’s delivery service. This collaboration showcases how Freedom continues to be at the forefront of eco-friendly initiatives in the UAE, following the #StopSucking campaign that launched earlier this year.

Freedom Pizza currently has 140 delivery drivers on the road and expects to have 200 by the end of the year. The testing of e-bikes that is currently taking place in the UAE, is being conducted to provide data to Solva Technologies to help create a universal solution to clean delivery. The ultimate goal is to ensure that all of Freedom’s vehicles are powered by electricity, which will be replicated with e-bicycles and electric cars, as the company expands internationally.

This initiative showcases Freedom’s dedication in becoming a more environmentally conscious business. Earlier this year, the brand launched its #StopSucking campaign, announcing it would stop providing plastic straws and cutlery, and instead provide biodegradable cutlery to consumer.

Ian Ohan, Freedom Pizza’s founder and CEO, comments: “Freedom Pizza believes that electric vehicles are the future of delivery, being environmentally friendly and an efficient form of transport. Our effort to move towards being a sustainable and environmentally friendly UAE company is very much in line with ‘Expo 2020’ and ‘Energy Strategy 2050’ policy set in place by the UAE government. We believe that the nexus of reliable and effective e-vehicle technology is here. The use of electric bicycles, motorbikes and cars will be core to our expansion plans into UK and European markets, particularly in urban environments where they are well suited.”