Get Back On Track With BARE DXB’s 14 Day Challenge

Supposedly, it takes 21 days to form a habit so kickstart your roadmap to fit with the help of BARE DXB’s 14 Day Challenge. Starting first Friday of every month with the launch 1st October. The two part plan is a nutrition focused transformation and proven calorie burning BARE workout classes. A body composition analysis will determine your tailored nutrition guide and meal plan (inclusive of dietary requirements). The first half of your meal plan aims to detox and reset your body and the last seven days is geared towards fat loss.
The second part of the package requires you attend two weeks of BARE workouts, six in total, any three a week of their high intensity, calorie burning training, all the while being supported by a dedicated BARE coach providing specialist support and rallied on with a private challenge WhatsApp group.
The challenge is open to all fitness levels to set in motion small changes for long term results.
Pre-register online here to start the first step of your fitness journey.
Your loss is your gain!
Price: 495 AED
Includes: BARE classes, nutrition guide and meal plan, body composition analysis, dedicated BARE coach and private challenge WhatsApp group
Where: BARE DXB, Business Bay, Clover Bay Tower