HasnaeTaleb: An Entrepreneur With Pizzaz

Let us start from the very beginning.

At the tender age of 17, Hasnae participated in an international competition and was fortunate to be selected from Morocco to attend the NASA camp. Thereafter she managed to get a scholarship to continue her studies in the US. By the time she was 18, she had already learned all about the stock market and within a couple of years, she won the Best Trader Award by NASDAQ.

Then on, there was no stopping Hasnae. She built her own ‘Earnings Winners’ algorithm along with her business partner Chris. Using her stock market trading algorithm, Hasnae was hugely successful in amassing serious wealth. Soon she was investing in startups and helping them with their business models.

The cause closest to her heart is ‘Women Empowerment’. Her face lights up when she talks about her determination to help women succeed in life. Based on her own experience of growing up in a ‘man’s domain’ – the financial world, she had to face the challenges of having herself taken seriously for all her accomplishments. Her good looks were at times a distraction from discussing the serious business on hand.

One of her passion projects now is her partnership with Noor Khouri, the Royal Family Etiquette and Protocol Coach, based in UAE. She is planning to do a series of videos with her to help women believe in themselves and build their self-confidence to compete in tomorrow’s world.

Hasnae has several contacts with Royalty around the world. Perhaps it is easy for her to hobnob with them because as she coyly admits, she is a descendent of the first Royal family of Morocco.

Hasnae is currently studying for her Ph.D. in Economics at MIT and it is a matter of time when we will all be addressing her as Dr. HasnaeTaleb!

Penned by Sharad Agarwal

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