HEY TAXIIII WAIT WAITTTTTTTT. the taxi stops at a long distance, the guy goes running towards it,? H E Y (in a local acent),? about to? open the back? door when the cab driver specks, “taxi not availableâ€? and drives off, as the guy looking very puzzled and lost and (not to forget to mention) out of breath, stays behind staring at

What? you just read here, is one of the stories which happened on the roads of Dubai.

Well the story continues, more

  1. Professor Alvin Smucker

    During a recent review of Dubai’s interest in expanding GREEN space, inclucing parks and golf courses, I was reminded of a patented process for conserving between 65 and 85% of irrigation water applied to sandy soils used for parks, golf courses, horticultural, floral, rice, and other agricultural production. This soil moisture barrier is constructed of asphalt, it is easy to apply and remains functional for more than 20 years. This proceedure has been demonstrated to be highly successful in sandy soils in Australia, Egypt, Japan, Libya, Taiwan, and four states within the USA.


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