Maiden’s eagerly awaited departure on the 2021-2024 World Tour took place today when the iconic yacht left Dubai to start on her 90,000nm journey, skippered by the legendary Marie-Claude Kieffer Heysand sponsored by the global logistics leader, DP World.

Together with DP World, Maiden and her new crew will build on the successes of the previous World Tour, raising awareness and funds for girls’ education. Engaging with schools, charities, outreach programmes and organisations that are committed to the education of girls through empowering and inspiring girls around the world and changing the narrative around what a girl can achieve.

Never has the education of girls been so important; over 130 million girls are not in education and after the pandemic and conflict around the world, it is estimated that an additional 11 million girls will not return to school or be able to access distance learning opportunities. This will affect the most vulnerable school-aged girls throughout the world, impacting their lives now and in the future. Maiden’s vision is a world where every girl has access to 12 years of quality education; equipping them to choose their future and fulfil their dreams.

After spending six weeks in Dubai, for the next few months Maiden will make her way through the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean, making a few short stops before final preparations in Palma for the Trans-Atlantic to arrive in Florida in April 2022. Maiden will work her way up the East Coast of the USA with stopover hubs in Miami, Palm Beach, Annapolis, New York, Long Island, Boston and Newport. In October 2022 Maiden will return to Antigua before sailing to Dakar, Cape Town and Maputoin the first year.

Commenting on Maiden’s departure Tracy Edwards MBE said “Following the uncertainty of the past few years, it is great to see Maiden and her new all-female crew sailing again and resuming her mission of empowering girls through education. Our partnership with DP World, who’s own vision is for a better, more equitable world focusing on bringing positive change across three legacy areas of Education, Women’s Empowerment and Oceans aligns perfectly with our own goals and we can’t wait to get started!”

During the 2021-2024 World Tour there will also be a focus on encouraging girls into Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) subjects, increasing their life and career choices. Many industries, including Maritime, are facing serious skills shortages and companies like DP World are committed to increasing female representation to bring much needed skills and talent into the workforce.

“We are proud of our partnership with Maiden’s mission to generate funds for female education and to empower them in making dynamic career choices, especially in the fields STEAM). At DP World, creating growth and making others excel are of great importance and we are delighted to be part of this event as we witness the Maiden’s departure with an all-female crew for the new three-year world tour. We look forward to prioritising sustainability and impact within communities as part of our commitment to increasing female representation in our industry and beyond.” Added Maha Al Qattan, Group Chief People Officer at DP World.