Medical Masterminds Dr. Shai Efrati And Dr. Andrew Murray Discuss The Importance Of Professional Golfers’ Wellbeing To Optimise Their Performance

Dr Shai Efrati, MD, Chair of Medical Advisory Board, Aviv Clinics gave the European Tour’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr Andrew Murray a detailed introduction into Aviv Clinic’s Medical approach and its new Golf Performance Program during the Aviv Dubai Championship.
The pair discussed how crucial cognitive and physical health is for golfers to prolong their careers and enhance their performance.
During the discussion, Dr Murray said: “Golf is enormously good for brain health. It adds years to life. It’s very interesting to have a technological facility like Aviv Clinics and I was very interested to visit it. We’re always working on how we can support our players to be at their best, because we know the difference between winning and not winning is less than 1%.”
Dr Murray went onto discuss how the European Tour is continually monitoring its professionals and thinking of ways in which they can help them be at the top of their games, while reducing stress and other negative impacts, as well as focusing on increasing the longevity of players’ careers, health and safety and overall improvement. “The European Tour is always looking for innovation but also thinking globally. We’re happy to have a service such as Aviv Clinics in Dubai & the U.S.,” he added.
Dr Efrati commented: “Aside from the program’s physical enhancements, it improves brain performance. In the case of player injury, it improves the recovery period and enhances the repair mechanism significantly. As a golfer, you need focus, you need attention, you need fast information processing speed and, of course, you need your physical performance. This is what we specialize in at Aviv Clinics. Through the Aviv Medical Program, we can actually induce the body to regenerate and repair through the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. We have an ongoing research program focused on athletes, including elite athletes who are aged 40 years old and above. The results that are being achieved through the Aviv treatment for athletes in a number of disciplines are outstanding. Science enables us to understand biology in a better way.”
Dr Efrati also discussed how and why Aviv Clinics was founded, where the Clinics are located worldwide and its ambitions to keep growing and building momentum following the Aviv Dubai Championship.