Middle East, Africa And South Asia’s Future Leaders In Accounting And Finance Honoured In Dubai

Andrew Jackson, Her Majesty’s Consul General to Dubai and the Northern Emirates at the British Embassy, celebrated the achievements of newly-qualified ICAEW Chartered Accountants (ACA) from across the Middle East, Africa and South Asia, during a graduation ceremony recently held in Dubai.
ICAEW, a world leader of the accountancy and finance profession, presented certificates to 26 graduates in recognition of their successful completion of the examinations required for the prestigious ICAEW Chartered Accountant (ACA) qualification.
As the adoption and updating of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) gathers speed, qualified accountants will be needed in increasing numbers to help organisations interpret and apply these complex standards.
Valued by businesses worldwide, more than 5,000 employers are currently training ACA students. Completing the ACA qualification enables accountants to use the title ‘ICAEW Chartered Accountant’, offering a way to stand out from the crowd by providing employers with a specified, certified skillset. It is often a prerequisite when applying for senior positions at top accountancy firms.
The knowledge and skills provided by the ACA means that ICAEW Chartered Accountants are highly sought after professionals – the qualification is held by board members in 78 of FTSE 100 companies. The ACA provides students with the combination of finance knowledge, accountancy skills and real-world business experience they need to succeed as a chartered accountant.
Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Michael Armstrong FCA, ICAEW Regional Director for the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia (MEASA), said: “Congratulations to all the graduates for passing the examinations to become ICAEW chartered accountants and for achieving this milestone in your personal and professional development. The knowledge, skills and experience you have gained will enable you to build long and illustrious careers in accountancy and finance. You are the business leaders of tomorrow – we wish each of you a long and successful career.
He added: “A number of changes, but most significantly technology, are transforming the role of the professional accountant. Accountants need, now more than ever, to adapt and develop new skills to manage these developments. We constantly review the content of our ACA qualification to reflect real life trends and advances in technology. It’s a challenging but very exciting time for our profession – we are confident the ACA qualification will equip the chartered accountants of the future with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful.”
Internationally recognised as one of the premier finance qualifications in 170 countries, the Chartered Accountants (ACA) qualification from ICAEW is held by more than 147,000 professionals. Individuals who wish to qualify as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant must successfully complete written assessments and extensive practical work experience.