Mohammed Bin Rashid Issues Decree Placing Dubai Government Sports Organisations Under Dubai Sports Council’s Supervision

In his capacity as Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE, has issued Decree No. 1 of 2020 placing Dubai government sports organisations under the supervision of Dubai Sports Council.
The Decree states that government sports organisations, including those established or annexed through a legislation, will be supervised by the Dubai Sports Council, except for Dubai Equestrian Club, Dubai Racing Club, Dubai Camel Racing Club and any sports establishment exempted from such supervision by a decision of the Chairman of the Dubai Sports Council, His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council.
The Decree annuls any other legislations that contradict it, and will be effective from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Pursuant to the Decree, the Chairman of Dubai Sports Council, HH Sheikh Hamdan, has issued a decision specifying the scope of Dubai Sports Council’s oversight on the government sports organisations, and the terms and conditions and procedures applicable to these organisations.
The Council Resolution No 1 for the year 2020, issued by HH Sheikh Hamdan, regulates the workings of Dubai’s sports institutions and the organisation of sports events in the Emirate in accordance with global best practices.
The decision gives Dubai Sports Council financial and administrative oversight of sports clubs in Dubai, and the right to issue permits to sports institutions and sporting events, including those specialized in the field of artificial intelligence.
The provisions of the resolution will be applied throughout Dubai, including private development areas and free zones like Dubai International Financial Centre, and to all sports institutions or companies in the Emirate of Dubai that are licensed to engage in any sports activity, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes. That includes, but is not limited to, sports clubs, sports and academic companies, sports and fitness centres.
As per the resolution, individuals and organisations are prohibited from organising any sports event in Dubai, except after obtaining a permit from Dubai Sports Council, and this permit is issued in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution and the decisions issued pursuant to it.
The Resolution also prohibits the owner and management of any venue from allowing any individual or organisation to organise any sports event in their premises unless that person has a permit from Dubai Sports Council. Licensing authorities have also been prohibited from issuing or renewing the license of any sports establishment or sports event, unless it has been authorised by the Council.
The Dubai Sports Council has also been given the right to register sports coaches and technical staff working with sports institutions registered in Dubai. The Council has also been given the authority to verify the commitment of sports institutions and sports event organisers to the provisions of the Resolution and investigate any complaints against them, or violations, and impose sanctions on violators.
The Resolution has also spelt out the obligations of sports institutions, and it includes instructions not to engage in any sporting activity unless they have a prior approval from Dubai Sports Council. The institutions also cannot amend their articles of association except after obtaining the prior approval of the Council.
Sports institutions are also obligated, in accordance with the Decree, to adopt a work system that is approved by Dubai Sports Council and the relevant government agency.
The Dubai Sports Council may, in order to carry out the tasks and powers entrusted to it, seek the assistance of individuals, organisations, consultants or companies who specialise in the required field at the local, regional or international levels.