Dubai, UAE, 25th October 2022: National Bonds, the UAE’s Shari’a-compliant savings and investment company owned by the Investment Corporation of Dubai, today announced the launch of an intensive career development program aimed at levelling up the financial literacy quotient among the UAE’s youth—in line with the leadership’s vision to build a saving culture in the country.

Through this program, National Bonds will partner with universities and educational institutions across the country to build foundational financial literacy skills among the youth through curated financial consulting, seminars, mentorship programs, on-the-job training opportunities and other collaborative activities, to give the talent pipeline entering the UAE’s future workforce a head start on their savings journey early on.

More than 29,000 students are currently enrolled in university programmes in Dubai, according to the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA)–a number that is only set to grow with an attractive job market and enhanced visa regulations in the country. Nation-wide, there were more than 318 thousand high school students in the UAE during the 2019/2020 academic year, according to Statista.

Speaking of the program, Rehab Lootah, Deputy Group CEO of National Bonds, said: “An empowered youth is essential to an equitable and sustainable economy in the long run. At National Bonds, we believe it is crucial to empower our young communities with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage their finances in the future and provide them with a platform where they can gain real-life experience to move forward in an efficient and sustained manner.”

The first partner to be onboarded to the program is Amity University Dubai, a leading university for graduate and postgraduate programmes in leading fields of science, technology, engineering, media, and business. As part of the partnership, National Bonds will provide rigorous financial management training to Amity University Dubai students, complemented by challenging workshops, activities, and on-the-job training related to their field of education and interest. In addition, students will have the opportunity to engage in focus groups with guest speakers from National Bonds to bolster their learning.

Over 600 students, who are ready to graduate from Amity University Dubai will be eligible to apply for the National Bonds financial literacy program. Each student will be guided by mentors and supervisors who will oversee their training in a safe and conducive, yet competitive working environment across various career specialities including Finance, HR, Accounting, and Marketing, among others. The program will also open pathways to employment opportunities at National Bonds for outstanding students.

Saif Ali Al Shehhi, Executive Director of Happiness, Positivity and Supply Chain, National Bonds said: “National Bonds’ new financial literacy program is in line with our commitment to shaping a financially stable future for the young generation by providing a strong training ground and showing them the merit of saving as they begin their careers. As a local employer, we are delighted to partner with Amity University to develop and empower the UAE’s homegrown talent.”

Dr. Vajahat Hussain, CEO, Amity Education ME said: “Young adults are joining UAE’s expanding workforce every day. This initiative by National Bonds will play an important role in the lives of graduating students who are joining UAE’s growing workforce. Financial awareness and literacy can help them make informed choices that will bring them closer to achieving their dreams and goals.”

Dubai is currently home to 34 international higher education institutions that provide more than 600 programmes, KHDA reports.



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