Nir Levi At SEVA During March

SEVA Experience is known for bringing the best wellness experts and in March this is Nir Levi, one of only a few therapists worldwide to be practicing Body Treatment at the highest level. The Nir Levi Method Sessions are based on one of the oldest healing arts in the world. The art of Anma originated in China 5000 years ago is based on the philosophy of Taoism, the model of “Yin and Yang” and the Chinese “5 elements theory”.
Our body remembers what our conscious mind forgot:
Nir’s bodywork can be used as a preventive treatment, or to treat problems such as headaches, cold, asthma, numbness in the body, high and low blood pressure, digestive problems, breathing problems, gynecological problems, insomnia, and relationship difficulties. The human body contains blockages and these are the cause of physical and emotional disease.The natural tendency of humans is to protect their blockages; Humans are recognizing the blockages as molds of life. This protection diminishes the ability of the immune system to prevent diseases.
How is a blockage generating in the body?
The body receives an external stimulation, which creates a sensation, which creates a need, which creates a feeling, which creates an impulse. This is an energetic process of nature that happens each time the body is receiving simulations. The impulse that comes in the end of this process is the need to give an answer to this primer stimulation. This impulse has areal energetic power.
Humans can deal with that impulse in two ways:
1. Expression as a reaction to this impulse
2. Oppression as a no reaction to this impulse
There are three levels of blockages:
1. Muscles and tendons blockages
2. Internal organs and energetic blockages
3. Heart and emotional blockages
In the full-body physical work part of this system, Nir uses different kinds of stimulation techniques on the Qi points, which are located on the meridian system of the body. Nir uses a large variety of exercises and stretches on all parts of the body. The main purpose of the work is to stimulate the Qi points, and release muscle tension, to create energy movement in the meridians system of the body, to create better blood circulation and Qi circulation, for improving the body ability to heal itself.
Price: 1x session 850 AED / 4x sessions pack 3,060 AED (10% off)
Free Talk: Nir will be hosting a free talk at SEVA on March 10th, 12.30pm – 1.30pm on how, “Pain is Important For Personal Growth”
Kindly contact +971 58 543 5888 or for bookings, to attend the talk, and further enquiries.