Even if you are not driving much these days, you shouldn’t neglect the maintenance of your car. Keeping your car well-maintained not only ensures that it remains in good condition and doesn’t break down, but also helps with improving its resale value., an online marketplace for selling and buying certified used cars in Dubai, has compiled some tips to help you do so. 

  1. Check the tires and brakes 

If the car remains parked for a long time, its tires and brakes can be affected. Checking the car’s tires and brakes is not only an important maintenance task but is also essential for your safety on the road. To avoid flat tire spots, consider driving your car occasionally or even moving it a little bit within the garage. You should also get the brakes checked periodically by a professional, especially after the car has been parked for a long duration.  

  1. Take a look at the battery

A faulty battery means a car may not start at all or break down in the middle of the road. When vehicles are not in use, their battery tends to drain. Over time, this drainage takes it to the point where your car’s battery is no longer in working condition. To avoid this from happening, it is a good idea to start your car and let it run for about fifteen minutes so that the engine and alternator can charge the battery. Doing this a couple of times every week should typically be enough to keep your battery in good shape. 

  1. Regular cleaning

It goes without saying that just because you are not using your car does not mean it should be neglected in terms of cleaning. Whatever your level of activity may be, you should continue to clean, wash, and polish your car regularly. After all, your car continues to gather dust even when it is parked. This will not only keep your car looking at its best, but also avoid any dust and debris buildup.

  1. Keep an eye on oil and fluids

Regularly checking and topping up your car’s oil levels as well as keeping an eye open to detect any leaks is necessary to maintain the condition of your car. You should also keep other fluids such as the coolant topped up. You never know when you may been to take it out.  

  1. Look out for sneaky animals

You’d be surprised to see how many animals are found in cars! Some of these include cats, rats, and mice. Cats love resting in the car’s wheel arches and the engine. You might also stumble upon some mice in your fuse boxes, air filters or under the boot. In case you find any animals that have taken up residence in your car, contact your nearest animal rescue centre for safely relocating the animals to another place.

If you are in search of well-maintained and certified cars for sale in Dubai, then there’s no better marketplace than, which only features inspected vehicles. 

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