Contributing to the mission of promoting Dubai’s Happiness Agenda, Raayi, the region’s first comprehensive cross-industry business review app has built an integrated platform with innovative technology to help businesses raise their standards of service excellence that focuses on crowdsourcing reviews. The app helps measure customer satisfaction for businesses across various sectors.

“Dubai has maintained a top position among the Arab cities and globally to drive its happiness agenda. As an individual consumer, I would experience frustrations of not being able to find the right business to support my needs. When coming up with the idea for Raayi, I very quickly realised the positive impact an integrated platform will have on individual’s satisfaction, and therefore happiness levels. Raayi aligns with Dubai’s Happiness Agenda as our main aim is to make sure that whatever product or service a consumer is looking for, they will be able to find a comprehensive list of providers as well as understand what to expect in terms of quality. This helps to avoid that sense of dissatisfaction when expectations are not met,” said Stefan Toubia, Founder and CEO of Raayi.

Economists at Warwick University indicate that people who were primed to feel happy were 11% more productive than their peers. Similarly, researchers at Wharton Business School found that companies with happy employees outperform the stock market year on year. An extensive study in the British Medical Journal followed people over 20 years and found that their happiness affected others in their networks as well.

Raayi is set to foster change in Dubai with regards to Happiness. This change is driven by crowdsourcing real reviews, implementing clear strategies towards HX (Happiness Experience), as well as offering an easy-to-use platform for businesses to connect and raise standards for their operations and customer experience.

“As an easy-to-use cross-industry platform that enables people to share reviews, search, rate and connect with local businesses, Raayi aims to support the efforts of the emirate and boost the level of happiness by raising the bar for customer service and experience. This will not only provide the highest level of happiness to consumers and businesses, but also allow us to contribute to the journey of becoming the world’s happiest and smartest city,” added Toubia.

Raayi is primarily a platform that features credible reviews from real people, who can share their experiences on brands and serve as a guide for connecting businesses from all industries to communities and consumers. The app allows searches using outlet name, business type, price range, area and much more. It features real reviews from consumers across 17 varied industries, which further breakdown into over 800 different subcategories.