RTA Handles 8m Taxi Bookings In First Half Of 2018

The Booking and Dispatch Center at RTA’s Public Transport Agency has handled8,294,714 million bookings placed by taxi riders in Dubai during the first half of this year.
“The average time taken to dispatch a taxi to a client has become 11.43 minutes, and the average time taken to respond to incoming calls at the Booking & Dispatch Center has become 5 seconds only,” said Mohammed Nabhan, Director of Transport Activities Monitoring at RTA’s Public Transport Agency.
“During the first half of this year, the Center has received 3,796,392 calls. 2,540,415 of those calls were handled through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, which amounts to almost 72% of the total calls received by the Booking and Dispatch Center during the said period. The number of booking requests made through the Smart Apps amounted to 102,985,” he added.
Nabhan stressed RTA’s standing commitment to bringing happiness to all community members through using state-of-the-art technology in delivering a diverse package of services. “RTA continuously endeavours to upgrade such services to bring them in line with the world’s best practices applied in advanced countries. RTA is always keen to ensure that transaction processing is smooth and quick in responding to the needs & expectations of the public, including taxi users, and make this sector one of the most luxurious and superior transit sectors.”
“RTA is making every endeavour to deliver top solutions and services to citizens, visitors and tourists from all over the world.,” he continued.
The taxi sector is witnessing a boom in demand fueled by the rapid urbanisation seen by Dubai, which is shaping into a premier business hub for investors & business leaders descending on the city from all parts of the globe.