Digital transactions processed by Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in 2020 clocked 528,057,108 transactions. These digital transactions were processed via four platforms namely the website, smartphone apps, a virtual assistant (Mahboub), and self-service machines.

“Processing more than half a billion digital transactions in 2020 is a testament to the robust and advanced digital infrastructure of the RTA, and the ability to serve wide spectrums of the community. It also reflects our commitment to the directives of our leaders to make Dubai the smartest city in the world. This drive is aligned with a host of RTA’s strategic goals such as the Smart Dubai, People Happiness and Advance RTA,” said Mohammed Al Mudharreb, CEO of Corporate Technology Support Services Sector, RTA.

“99.83% of RTA’s total transactions last year were processed digitally, as transactions through service counters or direct service accounted for just 0.17%. It is noteworthy that 48.57% of digital transactions were processed through smart apps like RTA Dubai, Dubai Drive and S’hail. The biggest bulk of digital transactions were related to licensing, Salik, parking and journey planner services,” explained Al Mudharreb.

“RTA is always keen to keep pace with digitisation in delivering services and projects. We are keen to align our efforts with the directives of our leaders and the requirements of the Smart City initiative. We prepare and update our strategic plans to measure up to customers’ needs and preferences perceived through periodic surveys. The whole process is geared to boosting customers’ satisfaction, a core objective that keeps us focused on making every effort to improve our digital structures,” concluded Al Mudharreb.

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