Dubai based mental health start-up Safe Space provides companies with tools to maintain mental wellbeing. Consulting businesses on strategy, creating content and delivering customised workshops. Safe Space’s ethos is quite simply to make mental health and wellbeing accessible.

With the introduction of a new “virtual drop-in” service, Safe Space is creating more affordable avenues for companies and employees to access a ‘safe space’ to discuss their mental health and wellbeing. Through live webinars and uplifting content, Safe Space provides employees with new strategies to help them live happier, healthier, and more productive lives.

The World Health Organisation estimates the global economy loses US$1 trillion per annum due to poor mental health and its effects on productivity. The 2020 Covid-19 pandemic has not only changed the way we work but it’s also said to have negatively impacted our mental health making it more important to focus on than ever.

In a report undertaken by Oracle and Workplace Intelligence in 2020, 81% of the UAE workforce surveyed said they now felt more stressed and anxious at work than ever before.

Support that is tailored to suit you and your employees’ needs

Safe Space believes they are among the first in the UAE to create a unique service offering in this form, to offer high quality and affordable support. Their anonymous platform creates a safe space for employees to ‘drop-in’ on a virtual platform to lighten their load on the work and personal front with a panel of experts across a range of topics.

Safe Space works with individual companies to create a comprehensive solution that suits their requirements.

“Safe Space was created out of a need for people to have somewhere to go where they can feel heard. A place where they can show their true selves without feeling judged and somewhere, they will also find practical and professional answers to the questions that matter to them the most, covering topics such as relationships, personal finance and much more. 

“There are many proven studies to show that talking through our problems reduces stress when carried out under the correct supervision. Therapy can often prove expensive and sharing with friends or family can present its own set of challenges. Our solution provides those struggling with a tangible space to learn new coping strategies without denting their savings or violating personal privacy,” says Co-Founder Helen Hope.

The ‘virtual drop-in’ service launched on the 1st of February 2021 and more information can be found through

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